What Injuries Can You Get from Running?

Running is an amazing form of recreation, exercise, and sport participation for all people ranging from adults to children. Whether you are running alone or as a team, running when done appropriately can improve your physical condition, sense of accomplishment, coordination as well as emotional and physical development. Nevertheless, running in unfavorable weather conditions or without proper clothing and equipment like sneakers you may experience a variety of injuries as well as physical stress.

Hamstring Issues

Your hamstring is composed of numerous muscles which found in the back of the thighs, they are responsible for propelling your forward when making a run, the cause of these is usually associated with flexibility and strength.

Hamstring strains are normal but they take more time to heal, re-injuries tend to occur again and again if you lack the required physiotherapy and if you rush back to training before you are fit.

When you experience regular aches or tightness in the back of your legs when you make a run you should consider booking an appointment with a physio as he will help you to recover slowly by slowly until you are fit enough to commence your training.

Runner’s Knee

Runner’s Knee

Runners are the most affected when it comes to this problem when compared to other athletes. One of the symptoms of the runner’s knee is that it is associated with pain or tenderness around the kneecap. If you are having constant pain in this area then you should consider booking an appointment with a physio. Sometimes you tend to have twinges on either the inside or outer part of the knee when you start to run but then look okay throughout, only to flare up thereafter or as a result of sitting very long hours. This a clear indication that the situation may worsen if you take a lot of time before undergoing physio treatment.

Plantar Fasciitis

Runners suffering from Plantar Fasciitis tend to experience pain in their foot. This injury is characterized by small tears as well as the inflammation of tendons and ligaments which occur on the foot causing a lot of pain on your arch or heel.

When experiencing pain the first step you should take is to get out of bed, try to run a little bit and then make a walk after sitting. This may alleviate pain and after some time the problem will cease. You should make consultations with your physiotherapist if the pain persists as soon as possible.

Stress Fracture

For runners, the continuous effect of the activity can result in much strain on the shins as well as the heel bones and cause a stress fracture which is the worst of all running injuries.

It is totally different when compared to acute fracture which occurs in one brief moment, stress fracture happens constantly which is a clear indication that they can be prevented.

If you experience a lot of pain when you run and also when you’re on your feet for a prolonged time then you should consider booking an appointment with your physiotherapist as he will be able to help you recover from stress fractures which result from running.

The discussed above are some of the injuries experienced by runners.